Master project schedule
Find out what is going on in companies by logbook and calendar.
Find out products and projects by statistical form.
Find out Gantt charts, kanban and work logs
Source code integration
Browse online GIT and SVN repository.
Tasks and bugs are related with code commit.
Review easily code.

Simple and conventient operation
Support word output and need output by ".doc" file.
LDAP intergration and achieve users input or auto login.
Excel input&output and achieve batch operations of needs, tasks, bugs and cases.
Function Points

Gantt Chart
find out whole project schedule and achieve four standard task dependencies
clear backlog, log, tasks and flexible drag
Work Log
browse log by label and convenient statistical reporting by log file exported
Excel Import/Export
batch import/export stories, tasks, bugs and cases
Word Import
stories are exported by "docx" file and recorded easily
SVN Integration
browse online SVN repository and review easily code
LDAP Integration
import users from lamp and users from ldap server can login automatically
Reports Export
reports, custom reports and project pie charts are exported to local